While they remain highly uncompetitive to fossil fuels, they have overtaken nuclear on a cost per kilowatt basis. 尽管和化石燃料相比它们还很不具备竞争优势,但基于每千瓦的成本计算,它们已比核能更占上风。
But comparing alternatives on a cost per kilowatt basis is deceptive. 不过,基于每千瓦成本对这些可选方案进行比较具有迷惑性。
There, a community of engineers, logistics experts, and individual investors from all over the country had joined together to reverse engineer the cost basis to manufacture what would eventually emerge as a hit computer peripheral product. 在这里,来自全国各地的工程师、物流专家和独立投资人集合到一起,从设计成本基础发展成为讨论制造出一些最终会风行一时的电脑周边产品。
The heirs will receive a step-up in the cost basis and be able to sell immediately with no impact on income or capital-gains tax, says Mr. Collins. 科林斯说,继承人的支出基准将会上升,并可将房子立刻出售,这样做对收入所得税或资本利得税不产生任何影响。
Since this method enables companies to hedge costs included in the risk of exposure to cost basis, so companies tend to use it. 由于这种方法使公司能够将对冲成本计入风险暴露的成本基础,因此公司一般倾向使用它。
But they will pay more on a cost per thousand basis. 但广告主所支付的每千人印象成本将有所上涨。
The cost basis is extremely attractive. 那儿的成本是非常有吸引力的。
Packing charges are for the buyer's account on cost basis. 包装费用按实际成本由买方负担。
The ending inventory at retail is then converted to cost on the basis of the ratio of cost to selling retail price for the current period. 在当期的成本对销售价格比率的基础上将其转换为按成本估计的期末存货价值。
Calculate storage cost on monthly basis and report to direct supervisor. 每月结算仓储费用,并向直接主管汇报。
Heron will provide in country support and assistance with approvals on a cost reimbursement basis. 苍鹭将提供支持和援助国与批准的费用偿还的基础。
Cost basis agrees, be assume by bargainor or buyer. 费用根据约定,是由卖方还是买方承担。
We're selling at cost already. It is offered to the public on a full cost recovery basis. 我们已经是按成本价卖了。该项服务按成本价格收取费用。
As a result, it can be concluded that the capacity to pay the survival cost is the basis of a peasant-worker's transition to a citizen. 因此,可以说支付城市生活成本的能力是农民工转变为市民的基础。
Building cost is a basis to guarantee quality and safety of a constructing project. 工程造价是保证建设工程质量和安全的基础。
It now enjoys a dramatically lower break-even cost basis. 目前,该公司的盈亏平衡的成本基础明显降低。
According to related accounting regulations of China, companies calculate cost on basis of manufacturing cost, but actually, some companies also calculate full cost and variable cost in order to improve cost management. 制造成本法是我国现行有关会计制度规定的企业计算成本的方法,但在实际中,企业为了加强内部管理或适应成本管理的需要,也采用完全成本法和变动成本法计算成本。
The Grey System Forecast of the Equipment Maintenance Cost on Basis of System Connected Analyses 基于系统关联分析的装备维修费用的灰色系统预测研究
Analysis of Government Cost on Basis of Government Functions 基于政府职能的政府成本分析
This paper analyzes our products disadvantage status in the process of anti-dumping which needs other counting's cost datas as our exported products 'cost basis. 我国产品频频在反倾销中处于需要用第三国的成本数据来作为我国出口产品成本依据的不利地位。
Aimed at the manufacturing environment for automotive sector, it analyzes the defect of the cost function model on the cost basis. 针对汽车行业的制造环境,分析了建立在成本性态基础上成本函数模型角色的缺失。
So the study on environmental cost is the basis of the research on environmental accounting. 因此,环境成本的研究是环境会计研究的基础。
Enterprise's human resources cost management is mainly to go on prediction and decision, budget, control to human resources cost, to measure human resources value and to go on benefit analysis to human resources cost on the basis of calculating it correctly. 企业人力资源成本管理主要是在正确核算人力资源成本的基础上,对其进行预测和决策、预算和控制,并对人力资源价值进行计量、对人力资源成本进行效益性分析。
Traditionally, this kind of models were used on a cost minimization basis, but recent papers have pointed out the payment minimization approach. 传统的成本最小化模型已受到众多电力公司的亲睐,最近又有许多文献提出新的定价模式&最小支付模型。
Accounting is the core measure, economic and social changes and risks of accounting measurement basis puts forward new requirements, with the fair value measurement based instead of historical cost measurement basis is an inevitable trend. 会计的核心是计量,经济的发展对会计在计量方面提出了新的要求,历史成本计量被公允价值计量代替是国际会计发展趋向所在。
The marginal cost-plus reflect that prices deviate from marginal cost, and is the profit ratio of a unit cost basis, its size is often decided by the monopoly power of the firms. 企业的边际成本加成反映了价格与边际成本的偏离,是在单位成本基础之上的一种利润比例,其大小往往由企业的垄断势力决定。
Agency cost is the basis of remuneration disclosure system. 代理成本的产生是薪酬披露法律制度的基础。
Vocational colleges can learn from Nonprofit Organizations Accounting such as the American College Accounting practices, you can learn from foreign government accrual accounting reform experience, saving part our reform of vocational colleges cost accounting basis. 我国高职院校会计可以借鉴国外政府会计权责发生制改革的经验,还可以借鉴国外非营利组织会计,如美国高校会计的做法,节约我国高职院校会计基础运用改革的成本。
In China, our Natural Gas Pricing Mechanism is on a cost plus basis under the government control, which is calculated based on the average cost and reasonable profit. 我国天然气的定价机制采用的是国家控制下的供应推动型顺价机制,是基于平均成本加合理利润的政府定价。